همه بست های خالی

Tue, Jan 14 2020 3:29 PM

Konar, Kandahar, Paktia, Balkh, Herat, Laghman, Nimrouz, Kunoz, Faryab

Background image

Ultrasound Specialist متخصص التراسوند

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Public Health

GD of Human Resource

Job Announcement

عنوان وظیفه:    متخصص التراسوند ) برای 9 ولایت (

وزارت / اداره:  صحت عامه

موقعیت: . . .

Tue, Jan 14 2020 3:26 PM

Konar, Kandahar, Paktia, Balkh, Herat, Laghman, Nimrouz, Kunoz, Faryab

Background image

Laboratory Technician 

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Public Health

GD of Human Resource

Job Announcement


Vacancy Number:                            Laboratory Technician

Post Title:      . . .

Tue, Jan 14 2020 3:20 PM

Konar, Kandahar, Paktia, Balkh, Herat, Laghman, Nimrouz, Kunoz, Faryab

Background image







Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Public Health

GD of Human Resource

Job Announcement

Vacancy Number:                . . .

Tue, Jan 14 2020 3:11 PM

konar, Kandahar, Paktia, Balkh, Herat, Laghman, Nimrouz, Kunoz, Faryab

Background image

Internal Medicine Specialist

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Public Health

GD of Human Resource

Job Announcement

Vacancy Number:                          Internal Medicine Specialist

Post Title:   . . .

Tue, Jan 14 2020 3:05 PM

Konar, Kandahar, Paktia, Balkh, Herat, Laghman, Nimrouz, Kunoz, Faryab

Background image



Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Public Health

GD of Human Resource

Job Announcement

Vacancy Number:                            Cleaner (برای 9 ولایت)

Post Title:     . . .

Tue, Dec 24 2019 3:33 PM


Background image

Nurse / HMU Kabul

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Public Health

GD of Human Resource

Job Announcement

Vacancy Number:                           Nurse  / HMU/ Kabul           

Post Title . . .

Tue, Dec 24 2019 3:19 PM


Background image

Procurement Specialist

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Public Health

GD of Human Resource

Job Announcement

Part of Administration

Job Title:                 Procurement . . .

Tue, Dec 24 2019 3:16 PM


Background image

Internal Medicine Specialist/ Kabul / HMU

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Public Health

GD of Human Resource

Job Announcement


Vacancy Number:                            Internal Medicine Specialist/ Kabul  / . . .

Sun, Dec 22 2019 2:09 PM


Background image

Medical Doctor / Nangarhar / HMU

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Public Health

GD of Human Resource

Job Announcement


Vacancy Number:                            Medical Doctor / Nangarhar / HMU        . . .
