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Wed, May 22 2024 9:18 AM
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Notice of Mobile Health Camps for Eye Care by the Ministry of Public Health

The Ministry of Public Health is pleased to announce the launch of a project aimed at establishing and equipping mobile health camps to provide essential eye care services in remote and rural areas, with the objective of reducing the incidence of blindness among underserved populations.


Funded by AID, this initiative will dispatch a fully equipped mobile health team to Ghani Khel district in . . .

Mon, Apr 29 2024 11:01 AM
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The national campaign for polio

The national campaign for polio immunization was initiated today throughout the country

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Wed, May 22 2024 9:18 AM
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Notice of Mobile Health Camps for Eye Care by the Ministry of Public Health

The Ministry of Public Health is pleased to announce the launch of a project aimed at establishing and equipping mobile health camps to provide essential eye care services in remote and . . .

Mon, Apr 29 2024 11:01 AM
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The national campaign for polio

The national campaign for polio immunization was initiated today throughout the country

Wed, Feb 21 2024 10:17 AM
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Announcement of the General Directorate of Human Resources!

Distribution of appointment times for the most doctoral candidates including the year 1403 batches