Finance and Operation Manager

Wed, Aug 21 2019 3:51 PM

Publish Date

Closing Date



Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Public Health

GD of Human Resource

Job Announcement

Vacancy Number:            Finance and Operation Manager

Post Title:                            Finance and Operation Manager

Organization:                     MOPH - ANPASH

Location:                              Kabul / MOPH

Duration:                             One year extendable

No. of post:                        1

Sex:                                       Female or Male

Nationality:                         Afghan

Salary:                                   According to NTA Salary Scale .

Announcing Date:            2019/08/21

Closing   Date:                    2019/09/02


HIV/AIDS situation in Afghanistan

Afghanistan experiences a low-level HIV epidemic, UNAIDS estimates 7,200 people living with HIV in Afghanistan in 2018. Cumulatively, the program has identified 2,733 HIV cases. While overall prevalence is low (<0.1%) in the general population, the HIV epidemic disproportionately affects PWID. (HIV prevalence ~4.4%, ranging from 0.3% in Mazar-i-Sharif to 13.3% in Herat) (IBBS 2012). The similarities between the HIV-1 subtypes in Afghanistan and Iran, suggest that strains have been circulating between the two countries through the returning of the Afghani refugees who also injected drug. Among other key populations at risk, HIV prevalence was 0.7% among prisoners, 0.4% among MHRB, and 0.3% among WHRB in 2012. So  far, 2733 HIV  positive  cases  had  been  reported  until  the  end  of 2018 . Now, it aims  to strengthen  the capacity  of public , NGO, ad  private  medical  workers  and  manager  for the HIV response , according to  national  strategies  and  policies  for  better  quality  of care  among  all  national  health  care  providers , including  BPHS , EPHS ,private health  care  providers, and NGOs. The ANPASH  wishes  to  recruit   a  Finance and Operation Manager  to  increase  capacity  for operational and  financial   management  and  implementation  of  the  HIV response in the country.

Scope of Work:

The Finance and Operation Manager is responsible for overseeing general aspects of Administration      Human Resources (HR), Finance, Logistics operations including procurement, asset and transportation management of Global Fund grants under ANPASH 

To  make  sure that all the  financial  management issues  of  the finance agreement signed between Afghanistan Government ( MOF) and the Global  Fund are fully  understood and properly  followed and  addressed  by MOPH.

  • Assessing and following the updated financial policy of Global Fund ANPSH within MOPH.
  • Working closely with Ministry of Finance (MOF) regarding the smooth implementation of Global Fund ANPSH grants in line with the government rules and regulations and Global Fund financial policy and requirements.
  • Supervise and manage the financial management of Global Fund ANPASH grants within MOPH,  to maintain proper financial records in order to produce on time  quarterly  financial reports and hoc management report.
  • To work in  coordination with MOPH  internal  audit department  to  ensure that  the MOPH  internal  audit performs the  auditing  of the GF grants ( PR  and  SRs) on regular basis.
  • Review  the financial  documents of the  GF ANPASH  grants , related  departments  of MOPH  for accuracy  and  compliance  with Afghanistan  laws  and  the donor  requirements.
  • To  communicate and  coordinate  between  LFA , MOPH  related  departments and  DBD , health  care finance  directorate regarding the  financial  management  issues of  the project.
  • Ensuring  that  an  accounting  Software  is  maintained  and used on regular  basis for the project expenditures  and  financial  reporting  requirements.
  • Assisting   the PHOs for  the on  time  transferring  of  the provincial  advances  to the  respected  provinces  through the  Mustofiates ( MOF provincial branches) for the better running and  operation of the  programs in the  provinces in case  necessary .
  • To make  sure  that  the  installments from  the  PR to the  projects  SRs are  transferred  on   time  and based  on the  contracts  requirements.
  • Staff  salaries , project related  reimbursable  payments ,  payments  for project  stationary , office  materials , payments  to  the project  related  suppliers  and  any  other eligible  expenditure  of  the  project  are  paid  on time and as per  the  all  parties  requirements.
  • Support ANPASH admin officers and assistants to set up filing system and make sure all files are maintained in order and up to date.
  • Supervise the Logistics supply management issues of the program and serve as a focal point to the PR.
  • Implementing NTA and Processing of NTA within the Ministry, MoF and to PR.
  • Processing travel and supervision documents within MOPH and to the PR.
  • To contribute in developing guidelines for Procurement, Supply Management & Sop's.
  • Any others tasks assigned by Line Manager.

Qualifications & Requirement:

  • Graduated from  Economic  Faculty  or  having  Masters  of  business  Administration ( MBA)  from a  recognized  university.
  • At least 5 years work experience in the field of finance management and administration with GIROA, NGOs or UN Agencies.
  • Computer  skills ( Ms word , Excel,   Access ) knowledge  of  data  base  and  Quick  Book  accounting  software  is preferred .
  • Good communication and negotiation skills.
  • Familiarity with Afghanistan Financial Management System ( AFMS) and government & UN  procurement  system.
  • Excellent knowledge of English, Pashto and Dari (written, spoken and understanding).

Submission Guidelines:

Electronic applications will be sent to: sub e-mail which corresponds if any of following 2 items is missing, your application will be considered as ineligible/incomplete.

1. In your emails please specify the title of the position as well as vacancy number for electronic submissions and please do the same in the hardcopy submissions.

2. Updated Curriculum vitae (CV)/Resume (Please attached your recent photo and mention in your CV exact date/periods of your work experience, graduation Day, Month, and Year).

If you are shortlisted and invited for written test/interview you will be required to present the original, the following:

A. Education Documents: Your recent education degree/diploma

ÿ Copy of verified Baccalaureate (12 passed) degree by Ministry of Education

ÿ Copy of verified 14 or 15 passed degree by related Ministries

ÿ Copy of verified Bachelor Degree by Ministry of Higher Education

ÿ Copy of verified Medical Doctor Degree by Ministry of Higher Education

ÿ Copy of verified Master degree by Ministry of Higher Education

B. Copy of National Identity Card (Tazkira: Only the pages that show picture and Tazkira number, pages, place of issue and date of issue)


Electronic applications will be sent to: sub e-mail

Hard copies will be sent to: HR Container, Second floor, at the Ministry of Public Health, Great Masoud Square Kabul Afghanistan.

The Contact Person at Human Resources is: Mr.Ahmad Nawid Barekzai, HR Officer, MoPH-GD HR. Phone number: 0093- (0)-707777734

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to written test/interview and subsequent process. Please contact the person in charge (Mr. Ahmad Nawid Barekzai ) for confirmation.

No CVs will be accepted after the closing date.

Any persuade will be threat as disqualification.

Candidate who applies for the same position in last six months and was unsuccessful (Obtained less than 60% marks), will not be short listed.

Fraudulent documents and or fraudulent claims in CVs and or documents will result in disqualification at any stage of the recruitment process.

The test and interview will be taken from the following references.

  1. Main Point of TOR

Submission Emails: