Technical Officer (HSS program)

Sat, Jul 27 2019 3:57 PM

Publish Date

Closing Date



Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Public Health

Aid Coordination and HSS Directorate

Title                                                    Technical Officer (HSS program)

Organization                                     Ministry of Public Health, Aid coordination and HSS directorate

Duty Station                                      Afghanistan, Kabul

Nationality                                        Afghan

Sex                                                      Male or Female

Line of reporting                              Deputy HSS coordinator

Number of positions                       1

Optimal Salary:                                As per the NTA salary scale (Grade-C)

Announcement Date:                     (2019/07/27)                 

Closing Date:                                    (2019/08/06)


Despite impressive progress in health system development and services delivery, Afghanistan still faces tremendous challenges in provision of equable quality health care. In addition to security challenges and dependency on external support, challenges such as improved access to health care, upgrading the skills of service providers, weak demand for services utilization, and gaps in stewardship role of the ministry such as properly monitoring the system at all levels, are examples of these challenges. In order to strengthen the system and address some of the bottlenecks, the Global Alliance on Vaccination and Immunization (GAVI) opened opportunities to a group of countries to fill the gaps and strengthen their health systems.
In response, Afghanistan submitted proposals in accordance with the donor guidelines, proposing some of the critical areas that affect the system. These areas mainly include improved access to quality health care, increased demand for health services utilization and strengthen stewardship role of the MOPH at different levels.  

Scope of the work Aid Coordination & HSS Directorate:

Under the instructions and direct supervision of H.E. the MoPH Minister, the AC & HSS directorate will work closely with MoPH departments and its partners in identification of health system gaps, development of sound proposals and implementation plans, and ensure integrity of processes in line with system-building principles. 

The general objectives of the Gavi-HSS3 program are:

Objective 1: Enhancement of equitable access and effective coverage of immunization services through integrated public health care system, private health sector, and community participation with more focus on underserved population

Objective 2: Strengthening of cold chain and vaccine logistics management system by increasing the physical capacity, maintenance and effective vaccine management (EVM) with provision of adequate infrastructure throughout the country

Objective 3: Improvement of demand for immunization services by implementing context specific communication interventions to cover the disadvantaged population.

Objective 4: Strengthening of management and leadership capacity of the decentralized health system at peripheral levels for an effective and efficient implementation of integrated BPHS including EPI services:


  • Support HSS relevant departments in developing required MOPH plans and reporting.
  • Take active part in the follow up with HSS relevant departments for timely implementation of annual plan.
  • Support documentation & publishing Gavi /HSS achievements, initiatives, lessons learnt and success stories to increases the visibility (internally and externally) of the Gavi support.
  • Organize and follow up of Gavi HSS coordination meeting
  • Coordinate and follow up with M&E team for establishment of regular M&E system to ensure program performance toward expected goals.
  • In coordination with M&E team review the HSS monitoring reports and follow up for development and implementation of action plan by implementers.
  • Assist HSS technical team in preparing the required technical and financial report for MoPH and donor  
  • Take active part in preparation for national and international workshop as per need of HSS department.
  • Any other tasks to be given by line manager relevant to his/her qualification and expertise agreed upon.


  • To be a Medical Doctor from a recognized institution/ Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH)/ MPH holder is preferred.
  • With at least 4-year experience of work with NGOs, UN agencies or Government institutions in Public Health.
  • 2-year experience in the relevant field of project management  
  • Having the report writing skills and experience to write comments and review of narrative reports.
  • To be able to develop, revise and comment the health project budget.
  • Have an excellent knowledge of English (written, speaking, and understanding)
  • Have a good computer knowledge MS word, excel, power point.
  • Good knowledge and experience in health management and administration.
  • Good communication skills to work and deal with MoPH NGOs UN agencies and other related people.

Submission Guidelines:

 Electronic applications will be sent to: sub e-mail which corresponds if any of following 2 items is missing, your application will be considered as ineligible/incomplete.

1. In your emails please specify the title of the position as well as vacancy number for electronic submissions and please do the same in the hardcopy submissions.

2. Updated Curriculum vitae (CV)/Resume (Please attached your recent photo and mention in your CV exact date/periods of your work experience, graduation Day, Month, and Year).

If you are shortlisted and invited for written test/interview you will be required to present the original, the following:

A. Education Documents: Your recent education degree/diploma

ÿ Copy of verified Baccalaureate (12 passed) degree by Ministry of Education

ÿ Copy of verified 14 or 15 passed degree by related Ministries

ÿ Copy of verified Bachelor Degree by Ministry of Higher Education

ÿ Copy of verified Medical Doctor Degree by Ministry of Higher Education

ÿ Copy of verified Master degree by Ministry of Higher Education

B. Copy of National Identity Card (Tazkira: Only the pages that show picture and Tazkira number, pages, place of issue and date of issue)


Electronic applications will be sent to: sub e-mail

Hard copies will be sent to: HR Container, Second floor, at the Ministry of Public Health, Great Masoud Square Kabul Afghanistan.

The Contact Person at Human Resources is: Mr.Mojib Rahimi HR Officer, MoPH-GD HR. Phone number: 0093- (0)-700991056

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to written test/interview and subsequent process. Please contact the person in charge (. Mr.Mojib Rahimi ) for confirmation.

No CVs will be accepted after the closing date.

Any persuade will be threat as disqualification.

Candidate who applies for the same position in last six months and was unsuccessful (Obtained less than 60% marks), will not be short listed.

Fraudulent documents and or fraudulent claims in CVs and or documents will result in disqualification at any stage of the recruitment process.

The test and interview will be taken from the following references

  • Project Management
  • MOPH Policy and Strategy
  • مبادی مدیریت امور صحی

Submission Emails: