Senior Advisor for GDPP

Mon, Nov 02 2020 3:08 PM

Publish Date

Closing Date



Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Public Health

Term of reference


Part of Administration

Job Title:                    Senior Advisor for GDPP (Re Ad)

Number of Post:      One      

Location:                  Kabul         

Sex:                           Male/ Female                          

Nationality:              Afghan            

Duration:                 One Year (extendable)

A :                                2020/11/2

B :                                2020/11/9














The Afghanistan health system has made considerable progress and the health indicators have also significantly improved over the period of 2003-2017. The key enablers for the improvements have seen in the health sector are strong local stewardship, development of sound and stable policy frameworks, prioritization of investments in primary care and implementation of BPHS and EPHS. The BPHS and EPHS have been implemented through NGOs in 31 and the MoPH Strengthening Mechanism in remaining 3 provinces. Sehatmandi project mainly finances the BPHS and EPHS implementation across the country for 3 years - July 01, 2018 to June 30, 2021. In order to manage the health program effectively, the project finances the system development and stewardship functions of the MoPH though support of short-term technical assistance and supports the contractual staff required for implementation of project activities.

Scope of work:

The senior advisor will be responsible for the provision of technical and management support to the GDPP in formulating health policies, regulations, and guidelines in coordination with the Sehatmandi. In addition, he/she will be supporting in developing policy briefs, white papers, concept notes or proposals as required by the GDPP and/or the Sehatmandi.


This position will report technically on day to day activities to General Director of Policy and Planning. However, contractually, the consultant is accountable to Sehatmandi Coordination Office and will report project related activities/deliverables to Sehatmandi coordination Office on regular basis.



Objective of the GDPP is to mainstream and translate MoPH priorities into sound and effective policies and strategies, undertake well-coordinated efforts to address health system needs in line with the national health policy and strategy, as well as, institutionalizing effective planning and reporting mechanisms at central and provincial level for quality BPHS and EPHS services provision.


  • Provide technical support to the GDPP/Sehatmandi in developing evidence based policy, policy briefs, plan of action and review of strategies to be implemented under Sehatmandi.
  • Assist the DG policy and planning in mainstreaming the MoPH priorities with development partners’ agenda and continuous effort with the concerned partners to address health system needs.
  • Coordinate between GDPP and Sehatmandi for planning/formulation of BPHS and EPHS services to be provided for the returnees and other marginalised communities
  • Coordinate between the Sehatmandi “Performance Management Unit (PMU)” and the GDPP to provide necessary technical support as and when required by the PMU.
  • Assist DG policy and planning in establishing/ maintaining effective coordination mechanisms for smooth implementation of MoPH policies, and ensuring a well-functioning mechanism at national and sub national levels.
  • Provide technical assistance and administrative support to the DG of policy, planning on coordinating, leading and monitoring of the technical processes of the relevant assignments implemented by GDPP relevant directorates and units, as instructed by MoPH leadership.
  • Provide technical support to MoPH related departments in developing their annual plans, policies, rules and regulations.
  • Assist in organizing health planning exercises at country and sub-country levels and take part in preparing the MoPH annual work plan.
  • Coordinate with EHIS departments for promoting a culture of data use and evidence generation and use in related decision making for policy and strategy development efforts.
  • Be involved in reviewing programs, policies and other relevant documents of partner organizations to make sure their policies and guidelines are in line with the MoPH values and principles.
  • Provide technical support to the MoPH coordinating forums such as Management Technical Advisory Groups (MTAG), National technical coordination committee and other relevant meetings at the national level as required.
  • Take active participation in MoPH taskforces as assigned by the director general of policy and planning and/or the team lead of Sehatmandi PMU.
  • Assist in establishing and appropriate reporting system.
  • Contributing in BPHS/EPHS planning and reporting of Sehatmandi project;
  • Facilitating the MoPH functional review process
  • Contribute to the Presidential Summit meeting’s preparation
  • Submit a one-page monthly report to Sehatmandi Coordination office about project related work and deliverables.
  • Carry out any other assignments given by the employee supervisor

Qualifications and experience:

  • Be a medical doctor and have master degree (degree attested by MoHE of Afghanistan)
  • At least 7 years work experience in public health or health system management.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English language and fluent in a local language;
  • Demonstrate computer skills (Ms. Office Package).
  • Be able to travel inside or outside Afghanistan



  • The national strategy development process successfully completed
  • Effective coordination mechanisms for smooth implementation of MoPH policies and Sehatmandi ensured
  • A culture of data use and evidence generation promoted/ used in policy making efforts
  • Monthly activities report submitted to Sehatmandi Coordination office on a regular basis.


Submission Guidelines:

Electronic applications will be sent to: sub e-mail which corresponds if any of following 2 items is missing, your application will be considered as ineligible/incomplete.

1. In your emails please specify the title of the position as well as vacancy number for electronic submissions and please do the same in the hard copy submissions.

2. Updated Curriculum vitae (CV)/Resume (Please attached your recent photo and mention in your CV exact date/periods of your work experience, graduation Day, Month, and Year).

If you are shortlisted and invited for written test/interview you will be required to present the original, the following:

A. Education Documents: Your recent education degree/diploma

ÿ Copy of verified Baccalaureate (12 passed) degree by Ministry of Education

ÿ Copy of verified 14 or 15 passed degree by related Ministries

ÿ Copy of verified Bachelor Degree by Ministry of Higher Education

ÿ Copy of verified Medical Doctor Degree by Ministry of Higher Education

ÿ Copy of verified Master degree by Ministry of Higher Education

B. Copy of National Identity Card (Tazkira: Only the pages that show picture and Tazkira number, pages, place of issue and date of issue)


Electronic applications will be sent to: sub e-mail.

The Contact Person at Human Resources is: Mr. Ahmad Nawid, HR Officer, MoPH-GD HR. Phone number: 0093- (0)-707777734

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to written test/interview and subsequent process. Please contact the person in charge (Mr. Ahmad Nawid Barekzai ) for confirmation.

No CVs will be accepted after the closing date.

Any persuade will be threat as disqualification.

Submission Emails: