Program Officer

شنبه ۱۴۰۱/۱۰/۳ - ۱۰:۲۹

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Closing Date


Kandahar , paktya ,Badakhshan and parwan

Date Posted :           2022 /12 /24

Closing Date:          2023 /01/3



Background: Afghanistan is experiencing a low and concentrated HIV epidemic and among the countries in Central and South Asia that are confronted with a growing risk of HIV and AIDS, mainly due to the high incidence of people who inject drug. HIV prevalence is 4.4 % in People Who Inject Drug (PWID).

The first HIV case was reported in 1989 in Afghanistan and the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) has taken important steps in addressing the epidemic. The Afghanistan National Program for Control of AIDS, STI & Hepatitis (ANPASH) was established in 2003 under the leadership of the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH).

Under the leadership of ANPASH Ministry of Public Health the country is implementing National Strategic Plan (NSP-III) 2016-2020 in collaboration with several national and international agencies. The country has multi-sectorial approach to control the spread of HIV with specific interventions for key affected population, vulnerable papulation and general papulation.

Until December 2017 a total of 2522 HIV cases have been registered with the national AIDS Program, While the World Health Organization and UNAIDS have estimated this number 7,500 in the county.


Title:  Program Officer

Contract Duration: One year + Extendable

Appointment procedure: The selection has to be through competitive process

Role and responsibilities:

  • Responsible for the planning, implementing and supervision of all project activities in the province including of DIC and outreach on regular basis.
  • Supervision of all HIV related health facilities
  • To prepare and implement an annual action plan of project as per the performance indicators
  • Provide monthly and quarterly progress report of the project
  • Promote an enabling environment in the project area
  • To facilitate safe and easy access to appropriate health services for People Who Inject Drugs
  • Capacity building of staff through providing training
  • Attend all official meeting, workshop and events of  harm reduction
  • Arrangement of weekly and monthly meetings to identify shortfalls and to evolve corrective measures/plan of action
  • To insure that harm reduction services are provided in a proper manner in DIC and outreach
  • To ensure excellent communication with team and target group.
  • All HIV positive cases should be followed and reported to ANPASH within one week.
  • All HIV positive cases should be referred to ART center as soon as possible and also screen for TB.
  • Ensure sufficient supply of test kits, medical consumable, office supplies and harm reduction supply ( condoms, syringe)
  • Ensure the confidentiality of client information
  • To work in line with MoPH Policies and Procedures.
  • Perform any other related duty assigned by line manager

Qualifications & Requirement:

  1. Medical Doctor with at least three-year experience in a clinical health or public health. Experience in Harm Reduction will be preferred.
  1. Good oral and communication skills, managerial skills, and good working knowledge of statistics and data management
  2. Ability to work pleasantly with high risk groups specially with People Who Inject Drug
  3. Ability to work with a positive interdisciplinary team approach
  4. Ability to identify and resolve problems.
  5. Have English and computer knowledge

Submission Guidelines:

(I)           Electronic applications will be sent to: sub e-mail which corresponds if any of following 2 items is missing, your application will be considered as ineligible/incomplete.

1. In your emails please specify the title of the position as well as vacancy number for electronic submissions and please do the same in the hardcopy submissions.

2. Updated Curriculum vitae (CV)/Resume (Please attached your recent photo and mention in your CV exact date/periods of your work experience, graduation Day, Month, and Year).

If you are shortlisted and invited for written test/interview you will be required to present the original, the following:

A. Education Documents: Your recent education degree/diploma

ÿ Copy of verified Baccalaureate (12 passed) degree by Ministry of Education 

ÿ Copy of verified 14 or 15 passed degree by related Ministries

ÿ Copy of verified Bachelor Degree by Ministry of Higher Education

ÿ Copy of verified Medical Doctor Degree by Ministry of Higher Education

ÿ Copy of verified Master degree by Ministry of Higher Education 

B. Copy of National Identity Card (Tazkira: Only the pages that show picture and Tazkira number, pages, place of issue and date of issue)


• Electronic applications will be sent to: sub e-mail 

• Hard copies will be sent to: HR Container, Second floor, at the Ministry of Public Health, Great Masoud Square Kabul Afghanistan.

• The Contact Person at Human Resources is: HR Officer, MoPH-GD HR. Phone number: 0093- (0)-202312422



Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to written test/interview and subsequent process.

Submission Emails: