همکار منابع بشری

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۰/۲/۱۳ - ۱۳:۴۰

Publish Date

Closing Date



Ministry of Public Health

Chief of Staff office

GD of Human Resource


Vacancy Number:                xxx

Post Title:                           HR assistant                              

Organization:                                    MoPH/GDCM/ICU project

Location:                                Kabul Central office

Duration:                               1 Year (Extendable)

No. of Post:                        1

Sex:                                       Female/male

Nationality:                           Afghan           

Salary:                                As per the project salary range

Announcing Date:               2021 / 5 / 1

Closing Date:                     2021 / 5 /10

هدف ايجاد سمت (پست)

تنظيم امورات دفترحاضري، سجل ترفيعات، ترتيب علم وخبر پرسونل

مسئو ليت ها وسعت و بعد کاري:

  1. مسوول اجراآت يوميه حاضري وغير حاضري پرسونل، درج اطلاع مريضي، رخصتي، تصاديق طبي وثبت وترتيب وراپورحاضري به شمول معاش وماکولات نقدي ميباشد.
  2. بررسي يوميه از حاضري پرسونل اداري، فني و خدماتي به اساس با تفاهم به مدير مربوطه
  3. پرسونل را به پابندي دروظايف واجراي امور محوله ترغيب وتشويق مینمايد.
  4. ارايه راپور حاضري، رخصتي هاي مريضي ها به مديريت محاسبه و نقدي بشکل ماهانه
  5. کنترول وبررسي ازحاضري تمام پرسونل بشکل همه روزه
  6. تحرير وترتيب مکاتيب مبني بر غيابت و استعفاء پرسونل از طريق رياست مربوط
  7. حفظ و مراقبت و اجراي مکاتيب وارده وغيره اسناد مربوط ماموريت ذاتيه
  8. تهيه گزارش ماهوار، ربعوار و سالانه فعاليت هاي کاري به مدير مربوطه

نتايج کاري خاص بعد از 12 ماه

  • تطبيق پلان تهيه شده مطابق تقسيم او قات  
  • تطبق ستندرد هاي معرفي شده قواي بشري
  • بهبودي قابل ملاحظه در حاضري پرسونل

معيارات لازم شموليت:

شايستگي ها:       

  1.  لسانس با یک سال تجربه کاری و مافوق بکلوريا با سه سال تجربه کاری مرتبط
  2. مهارت نوشتن مکاتیب   
  3. مهارت کاري درقسمت پروگرام Word و Excel
  4.  داشتن قوه افهام و تفهيم

Submission Guidelines:

Electronic applications will be sent to: sub e-mail which corresponds if any of following 2 items is missing, your application will be considered as ineligible/incomplete.

1. In your emails please specify the title of the position as well as vacancy number for electronic submissions and please do the same in the hard copy submissions.

2. Updated Curriculum vitae (CV)/Resume (Please attached your recent photo and mention in your CV exact date/periods of your work experience, graduation Day, Month, and Year).

If you are shortlisted and invited for written test/interview you will be required to present the original, the following:

A. Education Documents: Your recent education degree/diploma

ÿ Copy of verified Baccalaureate (12 passed) degree by Ministry of Education

ÿ Copy of verified 14 or 15 passed degree by related Ministries

ÿ Copy of verified Bachelor Degree by Ministry of Higher Education

ÿ Copy of verified Medical Doctor Degree by Ministry of Higher Education

ÿ Copy of verified Master degree by Ministry of Higher Education

B. Copy of National Identity Card (Tazkira: Only the pages that show picture and Tazkira number, pages, place of issue and date of issue)


Electronic applications will be sent to: sub e-mail .

The Contact Person at Human Resources is: Mr.Ahmad Nawid Barekzai, HR Officer, MoPH-GD HR. Phone number: 0093- (0)-202312422

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to written test/interview and subsequent process. Please contact the person in charge (Mr. Ahmad Nawid ) for confirmation.

No CVs will be accepted after the closing date.

Submission Email: moph.gdhr2021@gmail.com